
building grants

Your project may be eligible for building grants.


You can apply for a premium of EUR 30 per m2 for insulating walls through the outside in Flanders. (or 35/50% of the invoice amount, depending on income).

Rd-value of the insulation must be at least 3 m2K/W, which corresponds to 10cm thickness of insulation with an insulation or lambda value of 0.032 W/(m.K). Works must be carried out by a contractor. Increased premiums are possible in combination with asbestos removal or customers who have night tariff only.

Since 1 July 2022, this premium has become part of My VerbouwPremie, the amalgamation of Wonen-Vlaanderen's renovation premium and most of Fluvius' premiums. My Renovation Premium can be applied for from 1 October 2022.


In Wallonia, premiums for insulation works are granted on the basis of the energy savings (in kWh) they generate. This is different from Flanders or Brussels, where a fixed amount per m² is granted. Furthermore, an auditor determines which works have to be carried out and in what order. 

You cannot apply for subsidies without an auditor and a report!

Premiums can be awarded for 2 things:

  1. The audit: Premium for the cost of the audit visit and the preparation of the report (min. €110 - max. €660).
  2. The works: Premium for the cost of the works, if carried out as predefined by the auditor's report (min. €0.15/kWh energy savings - €0.90/kWh energy savings).

The minimum amount of the premium can be multiplied up to a factor of 6 based on your income and family composition.

Free quote

Step 1 of the 10-step plan:   Request a no-obligation quote.
We will contact you as soon as possible and arrange the next 9 steps.